Help us future-proof cancer research and unite against cancer
Cancer is the most pressing health challenge of our time. By the age of 85, cancer will affect 1 in 2 Australians. While health and medical research has improved the outlook for cancer patients in recent decades, cancer is still a leading cause of death worldwide. To change these statistics, we are uniting against cancer.
Cancer grants and fellowships help to provide crucial resources for laboratory work and clinical trials, including personnel, equipment, and supplies. Your gift will make a direct impact on research and educational support for our cancer scientists and health professionals to improve the lives of those impacted by cancer.
The first instalment of your recurring gift will be deducted immediately. If your gift recurs monthly, instalments will be deducted on the 15th of each month thereafter. If your gift recurs annually, instalments will be deducted on the 15th of this month each year.
All Donations over $2.00 are tax - deductible.
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Bringing ‘OMICs’ into clinical practice
It’s time to translate our knowledge on how the human genome, proteome and metabolome affect cancer, by linking with clinical and imaging data to better diagnose and treat cancer.
Cancers with poor outcomes
Cancers of the brain, pancreas, ovary and rare cancers are still hard to diagnose and treat. We’re making these cancers our priority. Paying special attention to the advanced stages of disease, we’re improving detection, treatment and management.
Living better with and after cancer
The cancer journey requires whole-of-life care from diagnosis through to treatment, recovery and survival, and palliative care. We’re finding innovative ways to improve care and make it more equitable for all stages of the journey.
Reducing unwarranted variation in clinical practice
Differences in how cancer patients are cared for can be costly to the patient and our health system. These variations are avoidable. We’re building a unique platform that uses big data to ensure consistent, quality care.
Contact Us
Elizabeth McPherson
Development Manager, Medicine
Division of Philanthropy (Alumni, Engagement and Development)
T: 0403 607 680