Help us validate an early detection test for ovarian cancer

UNSW Sydney is partnering with CAMILLA AND MARC through the ‘Ovaries. Talk About Them.’ campaign to support the validation of an early detection test for ovarian cancer. Unlike other cancers, there is no early detection test for ovarian cancer. 75% of ovarian cancer is diagnosed at stage III or IV.


At UNSW, we have developed a test that will change how ovarian cancer is diagnosed and if successful will result in tumours being diagnosed before they have spread, meaning they can be entirely removed by surgery, with no further treatment required.


Your gift will make a direct impact on research and educational support for our cancer scientists and health professionals to improve the lives of those impacted by cancer. By supporting ovarian cancer research at UNSW, you will be helping us to validate an early detection test and save lives.


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Personal information contained in this form will be used for the purpose of processing your gift and directly related purposes such as audit, management and operational activities of UNSW Philanthropy. Unless you have requested this gift to be anonymous, UNSW may disclose your name, gift amount and gift date to CAMILLA AND MARC. UNSW takes your privacy seriously. To read our full privacy policy please click here.


A/Prof Caroline Ford leads the Gynaecological Cancer Research Group which aims to understand why gynaecological cancers develop, how and why they spread throughout the body, and how best to treat them.


“Gynaecological cancer” encompasses all cancers of the female reproductive system, though current research focuses on ovarian and endometrial cancer.


UNSW is committed to making cancers with poor outcomes our priority. We’re seeking better ways to find, treat and manage these cancers, paying special attention to the advanced stages of disease.


Contact Us

Ruby Pradhan
Development Officer, Medicine
Division of External Engagement

T: 0481 974 353