Wild Deserts’ – state of the art reintroduction science and management



We are reintroducing seven locally extinct mammals and restoring a desert ecosystem. We have built feral proof exclosures (4x5km each) and then built another 10 km of predator-proof fencing for a massive hundred square kilometres ‘Wild Training Zone’, linked to the Wild Dog Fence. This will allow reintroduced threatened species living where feral predator numbers are tightly managed. We will build on recent scientific advances, showing predator awareness behaviour of threatened native mammals can be improved. Our innovative new approach will be critical for threatened species conservation around the world.


Your funding will go to:

  • monitoring and investigating innovative management techniques for feral animals, such as cats and foxes, in the hundred square kilometre ‘Wild Training Zone’, where locally extinct mammals can survive in a feral predator-controlled area;
  • research to increase predator-awareness of threatened species;
  • management of threatened species, other species and ecological processes and ecosystem restoration and;
  • providing opportunities for visitors.


What can be achieved with your help?
Your donation can contribute:

  • $200 for increasing the number of camera traps for monitoring threatened species and feral animals.
  • $5,000 for a satellite collar for tracking of a feral animals to monitor their behaviour and improved predator awareness behaviour of threatened species.
  • $30,000 for scientific monitoring and management of the desert ecosystem.
  • or any amount that you would wish to donate
Donation Information
$ 50.00
$ 200.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
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Wild Deserts (UNSW, Ecological Horizons) is in Sturt National Park, near Tibooburra and is a partnership with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, collaborating with Taronga Conservation Society. Funding is provided for building and managing two large predator-proof exclosures (each 2,000 ha) in Sturt National Park. We are reintroducing seven locally extinct species: the bilby, burrowing bettong, crest-tailed mulgara, Shark Bay bandicoot, golden bandicoot, stick-nest rat and western quoll.


We also have a massive training area of more than a hundred square kilometres. Here, we are chasing the ‘holy grail’ of global reintroduction, using cutting-edge research to get threatened species more aware of feral predators. This is not only important for the conservation of the species, but also for restoring ecosystems.


Please check out the our feature in Australian Story and UNSW news story


Feel free to visit our website and Facebook page to find out more


All donations over $2 are tax-deductible in Australia.

Contact Us

Emma Rouse
Development Manager (Science)
Division of External Engagement
E: e.rouse@unsw.edu.au