Improve health for those on the autism spectrum

Autistic people* experience a major health gap and many barriers to effective healthcare. The health inequalities experienced by autistic people are stark and include high rates of mental health concerns, multiple and often complex health issues, premature deaths, and many barriers to accessing appropriate health care.


Our work at 3DN has been critical to developing a better understanding of the health and wellbeing of autistic adults. Our work has been important in exposing this health gap in Australia, and we are working very hard to ensure the highest attainable standard of health and wellbeing for autistic people. We ask you to consider being an important part of our work by giving your donation, which will support projects of direct benefit to autistic people.


Together, we can improve health care and health outcomes for autistic people and their supporters.


*Note our use of the term “Autistic people” reflects the preferences of the majority of those in the autistic community; however we do acknowledge that language preferences may vary.

Make a Donation
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
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PRIVACY NOTICE: Information contained in this form will be used for the purpose of processing your gift and for directly related purposes such as audit, management and operational activities of UNSW Philanthropy. Unless you have requested this gift to be anonymous, UNSW may disclose your name and gift information to Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry within the School of Psychiatry at UNSW. Provision of this information is voluntary. You can submit a request for access to or amendment of your personal information by contacting We handle your personal information in accordance with the UNSW Privacy Management Plan.


At 3DN we work hard towards our goal: "the highest attainable standard of mental health and wellbeing for people with an intellectual or developmental disability". Established in 2009 by Professor Julian Trollor, 3DN’s work contributes substantially to improving intellectual and developmental disability health care, including that provided for autistic people. We build capacity through teaching, training, health promotion, development of educational resources and the conduct of other professional activities. We conduct research with high translational benefit to people with disability, and the disability and health sectors. We provide consultancy of the highest standard, including: providing clinical consultations, sharing expertise and advice, engaging in advocacy and making detailed contributions to policy and legislative reviews.


We have a dedicated staff, each with their own skills and enthusiasm for our work. We have a collaborative and energetic way of working. We adhere to our Guiding Principles, and we strive to uphold the right of people with an intellectual or developmental disability to the highest attainable standard of health and mental health care.


Thank you for your interest in our work. We hope that you are stimulated by the range of projects you see, and the dedication and productivity of our staff. Further information can be obtained by visiting our website

Contact Us


Ruby Pradhan
Development Officer, Medicine
UNSW Division of External Engagement