The UK Foundation of UNSW Australia




UNSW has developed a clear vision to address both the immediate and long-term impacts of COVID-19. This vision will be executed with two key outcomes in mind – supporting our students in need, and enabling lifesaving, rapid response research.


Consider how you can join UNSW to change the course of COVID-19 in a way that’s meaningful to you by giving to one of the following:

  • Student Emergency Response Fund - helping impacted students through this crisis
  • Rapid Response Research Fund - pioneering research in 13 areas, from medical solutions to boost the immunity of vulnerable populations to initiatives that will build community resilience and recovery.

100% of your donation goes to your nominated fund, so you can trust you’re making an impact.

£ 25.00
£ 50.00
£ 100.00
£ 500.00
Additional Information
Type of gift:
Contact Information
Payment Information
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This is a security measure to help prevent fraud.

All Donations over $2.00 are tax - deductible.


By submitting this form I acknowledge that the information I am providing in this form will be managed in accordance with the UNSW Donor Privacy Statement. To read our privacy policy please click here.

Increase Your Impact


Many employers participate in programs which will match a donation made by their staff.


To check if your employer matches gifts please click here and search by your employer's name.


100% of your gift goes to the designated fund.


Contact Us


Elizabeth Menary
Development Manager International, Europe and US
UNSW Sydney


To Donate by Cheque


Please make a cheque out to The UK Foundation of UNSW Australia and mail it to:


UK Foundation of UNSW Australia

Third Floor, 20 Old Bailey
London, EC4M 7AN
United Kingdom