![Strategic Vision](https://alumni.unsw.edu.au/image/_responsive_galleries/Strategy-CP.jpg)
UNSW 2025 Strategy
Making a difference as Australia’s global university
Our ambition for the next decade is nothing less than to establish UNSW as Australia’s global university. We aspire to this in the belief that a great university, which is a global leader in discovery, innovation, impact, education and thought leadership, can make an enormous difference to the lives of people in Australia and around the world.
Our strategic themes will achieve that objective, providing powerful drivers for cross-disciplinary activity.
Academic Excellence
Our first priority, Academic Excellence, has two themes- Research Quality and Educational Excellence. We will continue to improve our world-class research environment while at the same time developing a distinctive model for transformative blended face-to-face and digital education that will position UNSW as a leader in educational innovation.
Social Engagement
Our second priority, Social Engagement, has three themes – A Just Society, Knowledge Exchange and Grand Challenges. We will take steps to achieve equality of access for students from all backgrounds and to ensure equality of progression for all staff whilst also promoting equality and diversity in society. We will build on our track record of working with industry and the broader community to ensure that the discoveries from our research enterprise are rapidly disseminated for social and economic benefit. We will mobilise the expertise of UNSW to lead debate, discussion and policy formulation on the grand challenges that face Australia and human kind.
Global Impact
Our third priority, Global Impact, also has three themes – International Education, partnership and Collaboration and Disadvantaged Communities. We will expand our global educational reach using novel technology. We will develop high profile institution-wide relationships with carefully selected international university partners, which will enhance our ability to deliver excellence and innovation in research and education. We will expand our efforts to work in partnership with peer institutions to improve the lives of marginalised and disadvantaged communities in Australia, the Asia-Pacific and further afield.
We encourage all members of the UNSW community to read the UNSW 2025 Strategy.