With UNSW Sydney, learning doesn’t stop at graduation.

Learn@Lunch is a fast, easy-to-digest, one-hour session that offers alumni the exclusive opportunity to foster lifelong learning.

Whether it’s new discoveries in medicine, innovative methods for cyber security, or the next generation of renewable energy, the series features a wide breadth of significant research insights sure to feed your mind. 

Venue: UNSW CBD Campus, Levels 6 & 7, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney

2020 Program

Thurs 13 Feb    Professor Lemuria Carter                              Register Now!
                          Technology adoption, e-government, cyber security

Wed 11 Mar       Dr Kate Dunn
                          Sustainable materials, 3D printing, digital fabrication, robotics

Thurs 9 Apr      Professor Ian Jacobs
                          Women’s health, gynaecology, ovarian cancer, biomedical sciences

Wed 13 May      Nigel Phair
                          Technology, cyber security, cyber crime

Thurs 18 Jun    Professor Jan Breckenridge
                          Gendered violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment

Wed 8 Jul         Dr Trent Jansen
                          Design, anthropology, cultural identity

Wed 12 Aug     Associate Professor Adriana Verges
                         Climate change, marine ecosystems, conservation

Wed 9 Sep        Dr Simon Rosenbaum
                          Exercise and mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder, displaced communities

Wed 14 Oct      Scientia Professor Rose Amal
                          Renewable energy, solar technology, clean fuel

Wed 11 Nov     Professor Cameron Holley
                         Environmental law, natural resources law, energy law, water law

  Sign up here to receive Learn@Lunch invitations 


Next Learn@Lunch event

Thursday 13 February 2020 | Professor Lemuria Carter 

From the hacking of Australia’s first digital Census, to Centrelink’s debt-recovery glitch debacle, the pursuit of functional e-government for Australians has clearly had its teething problems. However, in a time of rapid technology adoption, digitising government services has compelling benefits for citizens, industries and governments alike, so long as digitisation is well considered. Deloitte Access Economics estimated that Australia’s federal and state governments currently conduct 811 million citizen transactions each year. Growing this figure would certainly enhance productivity costs, but with this comes the core challenge faced by many sectors undergoing digital transformation – data management.

At our first Learn@Lunch presentation for 2020, Professor Lemuria Carter will explore the issue of data management within the public sector. As Head of the School of Information Systems and Technology Management, Professor Carter can unpack her research into select US government agencies to assess benchmarking techniques around data management maturity. From these findings, she will explore why data maturity is critical for multi-faceted government agencies, and how this can be best assessed going forward.

    Register Now


Learn@Lunch Podcasts & Transcripts

Click here for Learn@Lunch event transcripts.

For all Learn@Lunch enquiries, please contact alumnievents@unsw.edu.au.