UNSW's 70th Anniversary 


Nura Gili

2004 Our leading Nura Gili Indigenous Programs Unit was officially established at UNSW – a study environment, community space and educational programs unit for Indigenous students. The words ‘Nura Gili’ are from the language of the Eora Nation, Nura meaning ‘place' and Gili meaning ‘fire/light'. Nura Gili at UNSW brings together these concepts to create the meaning ‘place of fire and light'.  The theme of place remains important to the many cultures of Indigenous Australia.

Today Nura Gili has been providing a number of successful outreach, preparatory and support programs for Indigenous current and future students at UNSW. This includes the highly successful Winter School program, the creation of Balnaves Place – a designated study space for Nura Gili students and ambassadors, philanthropically funded by the Balnaves Foundation – as well as a residential Scholarship program that has seen 30 Indigenous students graduate each year since 2009.



2008 The Centre for Social Impact (CSI) was officially established. A collaboration of three university partners, CSI was established after generous philanthropic funding from the government, corporate and individual donors. The purpose of the centre is to catalyse positive social change, to help enable others to achieve social impact through research and education. CSI’s inception would not have been possible without substantial philanthropic gifts from a number of individual donors including Robin Crawford, Warwick Negus, Daniel Petre and UNSW Chancellor, David Gonski AC – along with founding investments from the Commonwealth Government, Macquarie Group Foundation, AMP, National Australia Bank and PwC.

Today Marking 10 years of operation in 2018, CSI has undertaken more than 30 research projects with government, business and not-for-profit partners that have made substantial contributions to tackling homelessness, enhancing financial literacy, breaking down barriers to education for disadvantaged communities, and empowering businesses to become social enterprises. CSI also conducts courses on social impact and social responsibility, and providing the nation’s most comprehensive postgraduate program in social impact.


All photos have been provided by UNSW Archives.