UNSW Bookshop

Recognised as 'Australia's Tertiary Bookseller of the Year', the UNSW bookshop stocks a large range of specialist and general interest titles and is regarded as one of Sydney's leading academic specialists.
Your student benefits at the bookshop don't end when you graduate - you still get student prices at the UNSW Bookshop!
Alumni Discounts on the UNSW Bookshop website
Visit the UNSW Bookshop's website access to a full range of services, and to obtain further additional alumni discounts on books profiled in the UNSWorld Magazine.
If you’d like to keep in touch with the world of books, you can also subscribe to ‘Words ’ the Bookshops fresh new online magazine.
The UNSW Bookshop is open from 9am-6pm Monday to Friday, and from 10am-2pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Visit bookshop.unsw.edu.au for more information or to order online.
Meet Clancy, the official UNSW mascot

Clancy, the official UNSW mascot, is now available to buy through the bookshop. Proceeds from sales go to the President and Vice-Chancellor's Alumni Scholarship Appeal. The Appeal provides scholarship opportunities for students from disdavantaged and rural backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to study at UNSW.
You can purchase your Clancy here.