Dr Jing Guan
Chief Scientist, Beijing OriginWater Technology

Dr Jing Guan is currently working as Chief Scientist of OriginWater Technology Co., Ltd.,
Director of Originwater International Pty Ltd. and Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Prior to her appointment, Jing had worked at Centre for Water and Waste Technology, UNSW for ten years, 1998 to 2008.

Jing has been engaged in research and project management of environmental engineering for more than 30 years. She has made great achievements in areas such as water treatment engineering, wastewater treatment and reuse, membrane technology development, industrial wastewater treatment and reuse and water resources management. She led and participated in national projects of 863 and 973 in China, ARC national research project in Australia and the projects involved in the Torch Innovation Precinct at UNSW. She is also a reviewer for a range of SCI journals including Journal of Environment and Pollution; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Journal of Membrane Science; Biotechnology and Bioengineering; Water Research etc.